Ботанический сад «Kumpula»

Ботанический сад Каисаниеми водит в состав Финского Естественно-Исторического музея Luomus, научно-исследовательского центра Хельсинского Университета. Музей является одним из трех центральных национальных музеев Финляндии. Коллекции Luomus включают в себя ботанические, зоологические, геологические и палеонтологические образцы со всего мира и служат для исследовательских работ в области биологии и геологии, а также для образовательных целей.

Ботанический сад был создан в городе Турку. В 1829 году Ботанический сад был перемещён из Турку в Хельсинки, где и располагается в настоящее время. Он является старейшим научно-исследовательским садом в Финляндии. Ботанический сад принимает участие в обучении и в исследованиях коллекции растений. Также занимается сохранением видов растений, находящихся под угрозой исчезновения и международным обменом семян растений, имеющих важное значение для науки.

Крытые стеклянные оранжереи Ботанического сада позволяют посетителям любоваться коллекциями растений круглый год. Все растения сада снабжены информационными табличками. В Ботаническом саду, построенном по проекту архитектора Густав Нюстрёма, имеются пальмовый зал, в котором демонстрируются тропические растения и финиковые пальмы, зал, имитирующем пышный влажный горный лес, зал с экстремальными условиями пустыни и бассейн, в котором разрослись плавающие водные растения. 

Часы работы:

Музей естественной истории

Адрес: Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 13

открыт зимой вт-ср, пт с 9 до 16, чт с 9 до 18, сб с 10 до 17, вс с 10 до 16, летом вт. — вс. с 10 до 17

вход 15/12/7 €

Ботанический сад Kaisaniemi

Адрес: Kaisaniemenranta 2

Ботанический сад пн-вс с 9 до 20,

бесплатный вход

Зимний сад пн-сб с 10 до 17, вс с 10 до 16, вход — 10/8/5 €

Ботанический сад Kumpula

Адрес: Jyrängöntie 2

открыт вт-вс

вход 6/4/3 € 

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Источник: https://rukivnogi.com/finland/helsinki/sights/65-botanicheskiy-sad-kaisaniemi-finskiy-muzey-estestvoznaniya

Kumpula Botanic Garden

UPDATED 14.5.2020: The Kumpula Botanic Garden opens on Tuesday, 2 June in accordance with Finnish government guidelines. The effects of the coronavirus situation at the Luomus public attractions.

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Источник: https://www.luomus.fi/en/kumpula-botanic-garden

Адрес, часы работы, как добраться

  • Kaisaniemen kasvitieteellinen puutarha
  • Адрес: Kaisaniemenranta 2, 00170 Helsinki, Финляндия
  • Телефон: +358 29 4124455
  • Координаты: 60.175412, 24.945626
  • Информация обновлена: 18.02.2020 г.

Что есть поблизости: музеи в Хельсинки на карте

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Источник: https://rukivnogi.com/finland/helsinki/sights/65-botanicheskiy-sad-kaisaniemi-finskiy-muzey-estestvoznaniya

Opening hours

Open from June to September (2.6.–30.9.2020), Tuesday to Sunday at 11 am – 6 pm. However, people are allowed to exit the garden through a rotating gate until 8 pm, but wheelchairs and prams cannot be taken through the rotating gate.

Exceptions in opening hours

UPDATED 14.5.2020: The Kumpula Botanic Garden opens on Tuesday 2 June in accordance with Finnish government guidelines. 

The garden is closed on Mondays and during Midsummer (19–21.6.2020). On Thursday 18.6.2020 (before Midsummer) the garden will be open from 11 am to 3 pm.

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Источник: https://www.luomus.fi/en/kumpula-botanic-garden

Entrance fees

Please, buy your ticket at the cafe.

Basic fees

Adults 7€
Discount groups 5€
Conscripts, persons undergoing non-military service  
The unemployed  
Employees of the University of Helsinki  
Students 4€
Children 7–17 years 4€
Free entrance — free, report at the ticket office
Children under 7 years (except in groups)
Group leaders
Assistants for the disabled  
Finnish veterans  
With ICOM-card  
Biology students of Helsinki University  
Kindergarten, primary and secondary school, upper secondary and vocational school teachers  
Members of Kasvitieteellisen puutarhan ystävät ry  

Season card

Personal season ticket, Kumpula Garden

(valid for May-September)
24 €

Entrance fees for groups

Groups of 15 or more adults 5 €/person
Kindergarten and school groups 3 €/person
Groups of 0-17-year-olds. Fee is collected from all group members (also under 7 year-olds). The group instructors have free entrance

Fees for guided tour groups

The entrance fees are included in the price of the guided tours for groups from educational institutions, i.e. day care, pre-school, comprehensive school, upper secondary school and vocational school.  
Adult groups (adults and pensioners)      5 €/person
Students 4 €/person
Children (not including educational institutions):  
0-2 years (together with guardian) free of charge
3-17 years (child groups or as part of a group consisting of adults and children) 3 €/person

Accepted methods of payment are

  • Cash, bank/credit cards (Visa, Visa Electron and MasterCard)
  • Smartum 5-euro-Liikunta- ja Kulttuuriseteli ”culture voucher”, Smartum Visa
  • Groups may also pay their entrance fees by invoice. N.B.! Invoices can only be sent to Finnish postal addresses. The invoice is filled in when arriving to the café. For billing please take with you the necessary billing information (including business ID for registered organizations and businesses). Billing fee is 8 €.
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Источник: https://www.luomus.fi/en/kumpula-botanic-garden

How to get there

The Kumpula Botanical garden is located near the Kumpula campus. The entrance is on Jyrängöntie 2. The entrance on Kumpulantaival at the western side of the garden is closed (please see the map below). Driving instructions can be found later at this page.

Show Kumpula Botanic garden on a bigger map.

Public transport

Buses which travel through Hämeentie (70- and 700- series) stop at the Kumpula campus. The distance from the bus stops to the main entrance on Jyrängötie is approximately 500 meters.

Buses which travel through Mäkelänkatu  (some of the 60- and 600- series) stop at the Pyöräilystadion stop. The distance from there to the entrance on Jyrängöntie is approximately 1000 meters.

Trams 6 and 8 stop at Hämeentie. The distance between the stop and the garden is approximately 500 meters.


There is a bicycle stand outside the gate at Jyrängöntie 2.

Parking space

The garden has 8 (4 h) parking spaces for cars and one buss park space, reserved for visitors to the garden in front of the garden entrance (Jyrängöntie 2). You may also look for parking space at the Kumpula campus (Pietari Kalm, Ernst Lindelöf, Gustaf Hällström and Väinö Auer streets). You can get to the garden from the campus via the sand road (closed with a barrier) beside the red brick particle acceleration laboratory. Some parking space is also located under the Hämeentie bridge. Parking for busses is located in front of the main entrance (Jyrängöntie 2).

Driving instructions to the Kumpula garden

Coming from the centre:

  • Turn right from Hämeentie to Haukilahdenkatu (there’s a sign). The intersection is the first one after the Sturenkatu intersection and right at the St. Paul’s church.
  • Take the first left (there’s a sign)
  • Drive to the end of the road (there’s also a sign)
  • Drive over the small bridge
  • Turn left below the Hämeentie bridge
  • Past the skating park, the road first takes a small turn to the right over an old railway (the rails have already been removed, but the signs are still in place) and then to the left, uphill towards the garden’s main gate.

Coming from north:

  • Over the bridge that comes after the Arabianranta intersection
  • Take the first right after the bridge (the sign is a bit obstructed by vegetation)
  • The road goes under the Hämeentie bridge
  • Take the first left
  • Over the small bridge (there’s a sign)
  • Turn left below the Hämeentie bridge (you’ll go under Hämeentie twice)
  • Past the skating park, the road first takes a small turn to the right over an old railway (the rails have already been removed, but the signs are still in place) and then to the left, uphill towards the garden’s main gate.
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Источник: https://www.luomus.fi/en/kumpula-botanic-garden

Shop and customer service

Both the Kumpula Garden and the café are open on Tuesday-Sunday from 11 am to 6 pm during the summer season. However, people are allowed to exit the garden through a rotating gate until 8 pm, but wheelchairs and prams cannot be taken through the rotating gate.

Outside the season (1.10.-1.5.) please contact us by tel. 02941 28855 (Mon, Tue. and Thu. 1-3 pm, no telephone duty during weeks 25–31).

Information about guided tours and how to book them is here.

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Источник: https://www.luomus.fi/en/kumpula-botanic-garden

Practical tips

Planning a picnic?

You can also have a picnic on the garden lawn. Be careful of the plantings. You must clean up after yourselves. 

Taking pictures and filming

You may take pictures for your own use. If you intend to publish any pictures, you must mention the location. Taking pictures for commercial use must be discussed beforehand.


Geological collections: the opening hours for the geological collections can be viewed here.


Touching the plant collections and taking parts of plants home is forbidden. Some of the plants in the collections are poisonous and some cause irritation.

Riding a bicycle, jogging, walking a dog (excluding guide dogs), swimming and being drunk in the garden is not allowed.

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Источник: https://www.luomus.fi/en/kumpula-botanic-garden


The botanic garden in Kumpula is accessible for wheelchairs and prams during opening hours.  The paths in the garden are paved with grave. The garden has some steep hills, but these can be gotten around as there are less steep rout options available. The cafeteria is also accessible with wheelchairs and prams, but the space is close. In the café you also find an accessible toilet with a babycare table.

The garden is fully accessible during opening hours (Tue–Sun 11 am – 6 pm). However people are allowed to exit the garden through a rotating gate until 8 pm, but wheelchairs and prams cannot be taken through the rotating gate.

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Источник: https://www.luomus.fi/en/kumpula-botanic-garden
Кол-во блоков: 10 | Общее кол-во символов: 9577
Количество использованных доноров: 3
Информация по каждому донору:

  1. https://www.luomus.fi/en/kumpula-botanic-garden: использовано 7 блоков из 8, кол-во символов 7230 (75%)
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kumpula: использовано 1 блоков из 2, кол-во символов 165 (2%)
  3. https://rukivnogi.com/finland/helsinki/sights/65-botanicheskiy-sad-kaisaniemi-finskiy-muzey-estestvoznaniya: использовано 2 блоков из 2, кол-во символов 2182 (23%)

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